I got a camera for Christmas, so I decided to take some pictures of where I live to remind myself what a real winter is like. It is -15 degrees Celsius, the camera still works, yes my hands got cold, but it didn't kill me. Some times I forget what Winter really feels like and looks like when I am in Victoria. So here it is folks, real winter, this is my home, and yes it is cold. But Canadians don't fear the cold, the cold fears us.
This is the Court House designed Francis Rrattenbury, who was also the architect for the Empress and the Legislature buildings in Victoria
Lest we Forget
This is a flower shop now...

This is my street
"Walking in a Winter Wonderland"
This is where I learned to paddle

The walking bridge, it makes a fun sound when you bike over it.
There you have it folks, this is Canada and this is winter. Now go outside and have some fun!