To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Surgery, Smurgery

My surgery is done, and I am alive!

On Friday afternoon, I arrived at the hospital at 11 am and by 12:45 I was in the block room with a lovely anesthetist who did the popiteal block (a nerve block that is done behind the knee to freeze both the sural and peroneal nerves, thus numbing everything below the knee) on my leg before the surgery. She was incredibly nice, actually talked to me like a human being and reassured me that I will get into a medical school in Canada because (and these are her words) I am reasonably smart, I will probably do reasonably well on the MCATs, I can talk to people and I have a good story. Its always nice to get a reassuring pep talk from a doctor. After she did the block on my leg, she let me see the ultrasound of where tibial nerve divides into the the sural and peroneal nerves...which was pretty amazing! I love learning things when I go into the hospital, its like getting a sticker after a shot when you are a kid. This anesthetists even called me this morning to see how I was doing (unfortunately it was at 7 am and my phone was off) and left a message with her phone number to call her if I have any questions or concerns. Who does that? She is awesome! Is there a new doctor that I want to be like? Yup, I think so!

Anyway, after the block I was wheeled to the OR, where a resident anesthetists took over. I asked him which kind of intubation he was going to use, and he showed me the two different kinds and explained why he was going to use the tracheal one. It was cool, to finally be able to ask questions and have them answered like I was an intelligent adult, and not just a silly patient.

I threw up a bit after the anesthetic when I woke up in recovery, but it was all settled with some Maxeran.

After that I dressed myself (which according the the nurse was quite impressive) and was out of there by 5:30! The surgeon recommend (or agreed to my suggestion) that we start driving home right after the surgery in order to milk the nerve block for all its worth. So we made it to Kamloops and stayed overnight there. I expected to wake up at 1 am in severe pain from the block wearing off, but I didn't. In fact, when I woke up at 5:30 am I still couldn't feel my foot or move it in anyway...such an odd feeling trying to wiggle your toes but nothing happens. Seeing as it was still numb, we hit the road and I didn't start to have any pain until 2.5hrs from home! That anesthetist did a darn good block! It wore off completely sometime last night, so now I'm in pain.

The doctor gave me Oxycodone (whoohoo) but I am slightly allergic to it, so I have to take benadryll which makes me even more sleepy. Oxycodone doesn't work so well for nerve pain, but it does make it so I don't care that I'm in pain...

The surgeon said that both the proximal end of the nerve (the one that was implanted in my muscle) and the distal end (the end near my foot that is only an axon not attached to a cell body) both had sprouts growing off it. So he removed those from the proximal end, crushed the nerve and put it into a 5mm drill hole in my fibula. The distal end is another story. Not only did it have sprouts growing off of it, but it also had grown an entirely new branch...this is pretty much impossible according to what we know about neurophysiology. The distal end was not attached to anything (the proximal end is still fully intact with a cell body somewhere in my spinal cord), so the distal end would not be receiving any nutrition or regulation from the cell body, yet it still managed to grow an entirely new branch. I apparently have an unbelievable ability to regenerate nerves (which is unfortunate in my case), so lets hope I can translate that biological ability into the ability to do so in a lab!

Alright, time to go back into an oxycodone stupor. Sorry for all the spelling mistakes...its not me, its the drugs.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here we go

On April 20th (last Friday) I finished my last exam which was Biochemistry, a class I actually like and at 10:15am on Friday I officially finished my second year of university! This fall I will be in my 3rd year...which in case you are wondering, means I am officially old and should have my life together. I don't feel old enough or mature enough or responsible enough to turn 20...I still need my mommy!

Anyway, because I had to study for exams, I didn't really start to pack anything until about 12 pm on Friday...and I had a lot to pack. Like 2 bikes, books, cloths, hats, bike stuff, bedding, and other random things that I have no idea why own, but couldn't seem to part with. Thankfully my friend Mike helped me pack or I totally would have missed my plane!! He also kept me going because I was so exhausted from exams and the fact that I woke up at 3:30 am to a he deserves a shout-out for helping me get home!

Usually, my parents come to pick me up at the airport in Calgary...except they decided that my brother could use my car (which was stored at my grandparents house in Calgary for the past 8 months) to pick me up at the airport with my mass amounts of stuff and then I would drive myself home. It was odd driving myself home...I have never done that before. I mean I have driven the 3.5hr drive between Calgary and my town plenty of times, but I have never done it just after getting back from school. It was kind of nice in a way, to just drive, listen to my music and not have to talk to anybody or study.

Now onto the real news. I am leaving tomorrow at 7am to drive to Vancouver (its a 12hr drive) because I have my pre-op appointment on Thursday (April 26) afternoon, and then my surgery is on Friday at some point. I don't have the time yet.

I will try and post up an update when I get back home though!
First bike ride of 2012 in BC! I kinda look like I am grimacing, but its hard to take a picture with a Blackberry when you are riding up hill at 32km/h!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Its On like Rocket Ron

So my surgery officially will not be cancelled! The anesthesiologists of BC have decided to revoke all previous intentions of withdrawing services. I was a big moment of relief yesterday when I found out that it wouldn't be cancelled, now I can just focus on studying for my last exam and packing.

Speaking of exams, I just finished a week designed by the lord of the underworld. I had 4 exams in 4 days, 3 of which were in 24hrs and two of those three were back to back with no space between them. I have never studied like this in my life, I am not good at cramming, it doesn't work for me at all...except for this time. I have never been at the library so early that it hasn't even opened yet and I have to stand outside, I have also never been at the library past 9:00pm. This exam period changed all of that. On Saturday morning I woke up at 4 am to study for my Cell Bio final, got the library just before it opened at 8 and studied right up until 11:20 am, and then ran to my exam which started at 11:30. Usually the night before I feel very confident about what I know, and then the day of my exam I don't spend more than an hour studying...for my last three exams that I just wrote on Friday and Saturday I didn't feel confident about any of my exams up until about 10min before they started, and even then, I was a lot less confident then I usually am. I didn't even study for my Pathology exam really...but I think I did really well (mostly because it was very similar to the practice final our prof gave us).

One more exam to go at 8:30am on Friday,  but I am so exhausted from studying, and from the amount of caffeine and lack of sleep on Saturday that I can't really find the motivation to study.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Summer Job

One phone call totally made my day today. I was offered a data entry job at Teck Coal this summer! The best part is that it is at one of the offices in town, and I can do it on crutches. It is absolutely fantastic, I'm not too sure how much it pays, but I am sure it is well over minimum wage (but to be honest I don't care how much it pays, I just need a job that doesn't involve the use of my legs).

My week started off absolutely awful, Monday and Tuesday were probably the worst days of my life, and seeing as I live in constant pain, that is saying something, but today made up for that.

Wish me luck tomorrow on my first race of the season!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Normalizing of the Heart Rate

So the issue has been resolved.My heart rate has returned to normal, and I can study again. I have also started to pack...sending my skis across Canada via bus and my clothes via Canada Post. Lets hope what I have left over will actually fit in my suitcase and bike bags.

I am racing my first race of the year on Friday (Good Friday Road Race) in Bicisport style! I think I might get dropped, even though I am racing in a lower category than I normally would, I'm just not that fit right now. Pain has been a bit of a B**** this winter, but lets hope the surgery works!

I also potentially might have a data entry job working at the Teck Coal office this summer, which would be fantastic because it is a job I can do on crutches! (If you are the type of person who believes in a higher power, it would be awesome if you could put in a good word for me.) The past few days have been literally what I would describe as hell...I know there are people much worse off than me in the world and it is wrong to over dramatize my problem, but I almost had a nervous breakdown on Tuesday. So knowing I have a job for the summer that I can do regardless of my medical state would be a huge relief.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The most helpful thing I have read in the past 6 hours.

Also for the first time in my life, riding a bike did not make me feel better, in fact my heart rate was so high (like over 200) when I was on the bike that I thought I was going to throw up.


Whenever something stressful happens to me, like being accused of something I didn't do for example, makes it really hard to deal with the pain. I just start crying, I think its because end up with a stress overload and then I can't deal with the pain or the emotions that I feel. This is really bad timing because I need to study, and I can't. All that I can think about right now is potentially what might happen to me even though I didn't do it. I don't know how to defend myself even, I would ask my lawyer dad, but I don't think I can...

I am feeling super overwhelmed right now, hopefully a bike ride will help.