To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Lately it has been difficult for me to find a topic or event to blog about, but I just found my inspiration in a package of look alike Hi-Chu candies. I went to get sushi at Fujiya with some friends after school today because we were all really hungry, (I haven't really been keen on eating lately, but that story might be told later). I bought some yam rolls, pocky and what I thought were mango Hi-Chu's. We walked briskly back from Fujiya, arranged the couches in the common room and ate sushi while watching Freedom Writers. (It is a very inspirational movie, yet it has nothing to do with my inspiration for this blog.) Basically, it was a pretty good after school time period, but then it all went down hill.

I was studying biology, listening to "Celebrity Status" by Marianis Trench on repeat. I don't know what it is about this song, but currently the rhythm and pace just fits me. I can't sit still, so I knock my knees together, and the song seems to be at the same tempo as my knee knocking, and the song rhythm fits my inconsistent heart rhythm. Anyway, back to the point, I was studying biology, and realized that I  had mango Hi-Chu's in my bag; I got up, went to my bag, fetched my nicely packaged candy, sat back down at my desk, and popped on into my mouth. They were not Hi-Chu's, they were not the chewy, artificially mango flavored candy that I longed for. Instead, they were hard, green, tasted vaguely of menthol and mango, but mostly they just tasted bad. I also offered one to my room-mate prior to ingesting one myself, needless to say, we both spat them into the garbage, and then tossed the rest of the package into the rubbish bin.

My inspiration for this blog is brought to you in part by deceitful, disgustingly flavored candy that ruined my night.

On a good note, I do need to mention that my cousin is incredible, and she earned herself a place at United World College. It is an outstanding accomplishment and honor; she is an amazing person, and someday I know that she will save the world. She is also my Inspiration.

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