I want to be doctor, more than I can actually articulate with words (or actions for that matter), at the very bottom of my heart it is all I can think about. Its stressful though, my grades are not quite high enough to be competitive (I need another 2.6%), and I feel like I am constantly searching for things that will boost my resume. I wish sometimes that I didn't want to be doctor, my life would be much less stressful, I could take a course I actually liked instead of biochem and organic chemistry. I really want to be in the Human Kinetics program instead of Bio-med because their courses actually interest me...but I need the prerequisites to get into UBC's School of Medicine and I can't do that with the HK program (the courses are at the same time).
Its also really frustrating knowing that I will be competing against 2,500 other applicant's for a spot and none of them were dealing with chronic pain for their entire university careers. My mind feels like its in a deep freeze from the combination of pain, lack of sleep and stress. For most university students lack of sleep = studying late, for me its all the time. I don't study late because by 10pm I am so exhausted that getting ready for bed feels like the hardest task on earth. Nobody ever told me that chronic pain might crush my dreams.
I work my but off, and I get okay grades (good by most people's standards...but not by med school standards). I try to be involved in as many things as I can, but appointments get in the way or the fact that it takes me twice as long to do homework than other people means I have half the amount of free time. I'm tired, tired of having to fight so hard for something that I want so badly when others don't even seem to struggle. I'm afraid of applying to med-school because I know I won't get in, and I know that I will be crushed.
Its also really frustrating knowing that I will be competing against 2,500 other applicant's for a spot and none of them were dealing with chronic pain for their entire university careers. My mind feels like its in a deep freeze from the combination of pain, lack of sleep and stress. For most university students lack of sleep = studying late, for me its all the time. I don't study late because by 10pm I am so exhausted that getting ready for bed feels like the hardest task on earth. Nobody ever told me that chronic pain might crush my dreams.
I work my but off, and I get okay grades (good by most people's standards...but not by med school standards). I try to be involved in as many things as I can, but appointments get in the way or the fact that it takes me twice as long to do homework than other people means I have half the amount of free time. I'm tired, tired of having to fight so hard for something that I want so badly when others don't even seem to struggle. I'm afraid of applying to med-school because I know I won't get in, and I know that I will be crushed.
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