In my first year of university I was part of a bible study that we called "DG" (discipleship group), and its where I met most of my really good friends, and a few of them became my room-mates in second year. We met once a week, tucked our selves away in a corner, ate a lot of candy, and talked about God. At the beginning of our meetings we always did "Highs and Lows" where we would each say what a high was for the week and what a low was for the week. It really helped to put things into perspective when you were having a bad week because it forced you to also find the good things that happened.

So, I'm linking up with "happies and crappies" again this week, because I feel like this a helpful exercise when I am feeling a bit glum.
- I met with my PI to discuss summer studentship funding, and I am almost done my applications
- I made it to all of my training sessions this week
- I finally got an MRI of my ankle on Monday
- I went home last weekend (because of said MRI) and got to spend some time with my family. Because I went to boarding school when I was in the 10th grade, and then did my first 2 year of university thousands of km from home, it was the first time I had gone home on a non-holiday weekend since the 9th grade.
- I made my grandmother very happy on Monday when I brought her flowers, which in turn made me happy to see her so happy (and surprised).
- I haven't slept very well in a few weeks. I keep waking up throughout the night (usually at 1 am, 2:30 am, 3:30 am and 4 am) because my leg hurts. I wake up after I have a dream about something happening to my leg, like it gets cut off or like last night, when I dreamed I was shot in the leg.
- I'm super tired of doing spin pyramids at training
- I almost died driving to my MRI on Monday due to black ice and a freak snow storm, thankfully the big guy was looking out for me.
- Because I went home I got less work done on the weekend
- While this probably doesn't seem like a "crappie," I was disappointed that I only got 91% on my cardiovascular exam in physiology. One question that was marked wrong, is in fact correct based on our lecture notes, so now I have to argue with my prof which I hate doing. I don't like grade grubbers, but when things are marked incorrect when they are actually correct, it makes me upset.
That is all! Have a good weekend!
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