I have always wondered what hate really is. Is the best definition the hate the Nazi had for the Jewish people? What about the feelings between the French and the English, or Northern USA and Southern USA during the American civil war? What about your feelings towards that guy who just smudged your brand new bike with his greasy fingers? What is hate? Why do people hate?
It seems to me, that in every instance I just listed, a group of people hates another group because they are jealous. (The bike part is an exception to that hypothesis, I just am really protective over my bikes.) Nazis were jealous of the Jewish people because the Jewish people in general worked harder, believed in education and therefore, made more money. Money seems to bring out the worst in people. So is it money that we really hate or should hate? What would happen if we destroyed every piece of money in the world, would people stop hating each other?
I think hate is just another way of projecting ones emotions about feeling inadequate, onto somebody who appears better than you are.
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