To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Saturday, September 4, 2010

What are we doing?

Watching "Sex in the City 2" made me realize how much I dislike the way the world is becoming. Why is that the wealthy get everything, the poor get nothing, and wealthy just continue to take from the poor. I loved living in Ghana, it was the way life should be. People help other people just because they are kind; not because they hope to get rewarded. North America is the most wasteful and sinful place on earth. We are obsessed with our selves, we don't care if our pollution causes villages in Africa to be destroyed, as long as we can live comfortable and consuming lives. I can't say that I liked any part of "Sex in the City 2," it just reinforced the feelings I have about the way I live, the way everybody around me lives and how we all strive to be able afford clothes, shoes, houses, and be able travel around the world first class. Shouldn't we be striving to send every child to school? Shouldn't we be building clean water stations in every village and town around the world? What about AIDS, or malaria, or typhoid? Why don't we all put our money together and make these things happen? The answer is simple, we want Ipods, new shoes, new cars and big houses. We don't want to worry about the problems of the world, we would much rather live in an ignorant bliss, and consume products faster than we can glean the uses of them.
I don't want to live like this, but how do you build a mud hut in the middle of suburbia, and cook over an open fire without being totally cut-off off from society. I don't understand the world. I don't understand why I was born into a privileged family, while somebody else is born into dirt, starvation, and poverty with no expectations or future. It is a cycle, I just happen to be in a different cycle, but my cycle is destroying the world.
I feel like a hypocrite by writin this while sitting on a plane that is taking me to university, and spewing pollution into the atmosphere which will ultimately wipe out an other coastal village in Africa. I don't have a criminal record, I have never gotten in trouble with the law and I have never done anything that would leave my hands blood stained...but my actions are only being judged by the law. The law that we are all supposed to follow every day is incredibly flawed. My hands are blood stained, so are yours, your brothers, your mothers and your friends. My high school band teacher once told us, "Every action has a reaction, be it positive or negative. Which do you choose?" Well, I am choose actions that have negative impacts on people all the time. So do you, you just don't know that the plane ride you took to Mexico added just enough carbon to the atmosphere that the sea levels rose, and killed 13 people in Africa when the sea came rushing in.
What do you choose?

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