To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Friday, August 10, 2012

Adventures Through MCAT Land

And were are back to talking about the MCAT...sorry guys, but right now, studying is literally my life. I have these Examkrackers Audio Osmosis on my iPod, so at work I literally listen to physics, chemistry, orgo or bio for the 9 hours that I am at work. I don't know if it helps at all, but I can't bare to waste 9 hours of everyday sitting at a desk NOT STUDYING! So I listen...with the hopes that I will remember something useful.

I wrote another practice MCAT today, did the best I have done in a combined VR and BS score...and the worst I have done in physical sciences. I literally did better a month ago, and that was before I had gotten through all of the chem and physics lectures....

I have two weeks left to pull it all together....

But I have some tips if you are also studying for the MCAT and are looking to do better on verbal reasoning section:

1. Buy the Examkracker verbal reasoning technique book and the 101 verbal book
2. Study form both books, and do the tests in a timed fashion with the Examkracker methods
4. Pause after you read the passage, close your eyes and formulate a sentence about the main idea, then proceed to the questions
5. Take a 5-10 second break between each passage, just breath and imagine your self doing something that you love. I imagine my self riding my bike
6. Keep practising

I wish you the best of luck! 

Heading off to learn the last lecture in orgo and then review some physics. 

Peace like a river. 

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