To know one life has breathed easier because you have lived. That is to have succeeded. - RW Emerson

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I just wrote my first test of the year. (Aside from the MCAT.)

Bomb it. I couldn't remember any of the 5 elements of the Population Health Approach. Turns out they are:
1. Target the whole population (duh, I didn't put that because I assumed that was a given)
2. Focus on promotion (I got that one)
3. Multi-sectorial/factorial (got that one too)
4. Participatory (couldn't remember at all, knew it started with a P though)
5. Evidence-based decision making (blanked)

For realze, I got 2/5 on that question. And that was just one question. There were only 8 questions and I am guessing the whole thing was only worth about yeah, screwed.

But seriously, who asks you to list five elements? That doesn't test if you know how to use them, just if you can memorize a list. So stupid. I likely got a lot more wrong. Meaning I probably got about 80% which folks, is not a grade that I can have in my program.

Also the Calgary grading scheme is wacko. We don't have percentages, only letter grades and each faculty gets to determine what percent equates to what grade.Naturally, in my program we have a harder grading scheme (I lied, that shouldn't be natural!):
A+ = 97 other faculties its 90
A = 90 (other faculties its 85)
A- =85 (other faculties its 80)
B+ = 80

GHAAAAAA. So I bet ya 10 buckaroos that I will get a B+ :(

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